Fallout 76 list of outfits, uniforms, dresses and all other apparels and where to the locations on where to find them.
- Responders Paramedic Jumpsuit | Awarded on completion of quest Thirst Things First @ Flatwoods
- Responder Police Uniform and Patrolman Sunglasses | Awarded on completion of quest @ Morgantown Airport
- Fire Breather Uniform & Helmet (Firefighter uniform)| Talk to Bernie @ Final Exam site, Fire Breathers Quest
- Nurse Uniform | Found in room (with door closed), Ground Floor @ AVR Medical Center
- Civil War Confederate Uniform | Found @ Phillipi Graveyard Museum
- Civil War Union Uniform | Found @ Phillipi Graveyard Museum
- Civil War Era civilian suits and dresses | Found @ Phillipi Graveyard Museum
- Casual outfit | Found on couch in Penelope Hornwall’s Office @ Hornwright Industrial Headquarters
- Surveyor Outfit | Found in Gift Shop, Second Floor @ The Giant Teapot
- Farmhand Clothes | Found on bed, sleeping quarters, go up stairs next to the ‘Trading Post Supplies Medical’ sign @ Charleston Fire Department
- Steel Worker Uniform | Found in lockers on ground floor near fire truck @ Charleston Fire Department
- Mechanic Jumpsuit
- | Found in Ground Floor @ Charleston Fire Department
- | Found in Gift Shop, Second Floor @ The Giant Teapot
- | Found on Shelves @ Hornwright Air Purifier Site
- T-Shirt and Slacks | Found in Gift Shop, Second Floor @ The Giant Teapot
- Greaser Jacket & Jeans | Found in Shack, by the lake @ Hornwright Air Purifier Site
- Green Shirt and Combat Boots | Found in Tower @ Horizon’s Rest
Small list but I will keep expanding them as I find them through my adventures.