
Can I Build It? – Building Upgrade Resources Calculator for King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare and Guns of Glory

2023-01-19: Checkout the development release of the ‘KOA Building Requirements’ easily shows all base building requirements. I’ve decided to publish my personal Building Upgrade Resources Calculator for King of Avalon: Dragon Warfare which can also be used for Guns of Glory. I made this tool to quickly identify how many resource items I have in […]

King of the Hill

Development has ceased on this project. Developer: AngelofDev Source code: Protected What does it do? Players fight over a beacon in the middle of the arena, whichever team has the beacon in their team colours at the end of the match wins. Commands Game Commands /koth reward <beaconName> <itemID> Set reward for beacon /koth reward […]


Latest Stable | Latest Development Version | Issues DoOdy is an administration plugin for Minecraft, it was developed for my personal server. The plugin was designed to allow server admins to play in survival mode but still have the ability to go into creative mode without being tempted to cheat the server’s in game economy &/or […]


Development has ceased on this project. Source code: NoOby is a world editing/management plugin developed for my personal server. The plugin enables blocks such as Grass, Glowstone, Glass, Ice, Bookshelves & Snow to drop just like any other block in the game. NoOby also makes the mining Obsidian difficult with an 80% chance for drops. […]